JiaJia Florist 嘉嘉的网上花店

We have delivery service^^ Please support us ….Thx you. You can tell us about your needs or design of the item that you want too.


You guy can order through email jiajiaflorist@live.com phone:0127128114(jiae),0122272239(weelin) leave down your number and your order to us, we will comfirm you with your order. We are having delivery services also p.s. extra charges will be add on for delivery services you can pay through bank in: Bank account: -(Public Bank 4515711109 Kang Guat Fun) or -(Affin Bank 200190054274 Tan Wee Lian/Tan Wee Lin)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

HeLLo EveRyonE

We are provide delivering service to your love one at this coming valentine day.
so if you wan us to help you send your wishes...... you may let us know^^

valentine specials

RM110(12 flower)
the RED valentine roses

RMRM150(21 roses)
this is the 2010 summer special design flower.

Beside that:
we are now providing service of the wrapping present.
The price is according the paper. RM 2.50 per piece.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

ProMotioN - ChrIstMas FlOwEr

this is the roses in a love shape box.

it contain of your heart with full of love to the one you care^^


price:RM80(ten roses)

ps: you can choose the color too.

this gift is the combination of bear and chocolate , we will help you to pack up the bear and chocolate together^^

price:RM150( branded bear -"Hallmark" and ferrero rocher)

a little bear hugging a forrero rocher with 3 red rose that mean i love u forever (the most popular pack in season)


full of ferrero rocher... the golden chocolate is the favourate of most of the girl ^^

price:RM185 -(must book 3 day earlier)

ps: (99 forrero rocher also available here) you can email or call me if you wan more info of it

A basket with 6 pink rose , 6 yellow rose and forrero rocher

price:RM220-must book 5 day earlier

Thursday, November 19, 2009



1朵玫瑰代表——我的心中只!有你 ONLY YOU
2朵玫瑰代表—— 这世界只有我俩!
3朵玫瑰代表—— 我爱你 I LOVE YOU!
4朵玫瑰代表—— 至死不渝!
5朵玫瑰代表—— 由衷欣赏!  
6朵玫瑰代表—— 互敬 互爱 互谅!  
7朵玫瑰代表—— 我偷偷地爱著你!  
8朵玫瑰代表—— 感谢你的关怀扶持及鼓励!  
9朵玫瑰代表—— 长久 ALWAYS!  
10朵玫瑰代表—— 十全十美 无懈可击!  
11朵玫瑰代表—— 最爱 只在乎你一人!  
12朵玫瑰代表—— 对你的爱与日俱增!  
13朵玫瑰代表—— 友谊长存!  
14朵玫瑰代表—— 骄傲!  
15朵玫瑰代表—— 对你感到歉意I'M SORRY!  
16朵玫瑰代表—— 多变不安的爱情!  
17朵玫瑰代表—— 绝望无可挽回的爱!  
18朵玫瑰代表—— 真诚与坦白!  
19朵玫瑰代表—— 忍耐与期待!  
20朵玫瑰代表—— 我仅一颗赤诚的心!  
21朵玫瑰象征—— 真诚的爱!  
22朵玫瑰象征—— 祝你好运!  
25朵玫瑰象征—— 祝你幸福!  
30朵玫瑰象征—— 信是有缘!  
36朵玫瑰象征—— 浪漫!  
40朵玫瑰象征—— 誓死不渝的爱情!
50朵玫瑰象征—— 邂逅不期而遇!
99朵玫瑰象征—— 天长地久 FOREVER!
100朵玫瑰象征—— 百分之百的爱 100% LOVE!
101朵玫瑰象征—— 最……最爱!
108朵玫瑰象征—— 求婚!
111朵玫瑰代表—— 无尽的爱  
144朵玫瑰代表—— 爱你日日月月生生世世  
365朵玫瑰代表—— 想你在每天  
999朵玫瑰代表—— 天长地久、爱无止境  
1001朵玫瑰代表—— 直到永远  





price: RM700( 90 rose white sinny red) -must book 5 days earlier


price: RM720( 90 pink rose) -must book 5 days earlier

code: co10

price:RM720(104 champaign rose)-must book 5 days earlier


price:RM800(111 purple rose)-must book 5 days earlier

9 roses in a small bouquet

price:RM75(with 9 roses small bouquet)


6 roses_tall bouquet

RM85 with a big bear (bear might be replace by other depends on stock)


Sunday, November 15, 2009

12 roses and bear bouquet

price:RM90 (12 flower)

price:RM60(for 6 bear in a small bouquet)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bear*Bear bouquet^^

price: RM55(9 rose)
RM70(9 rose+2bear)

code: C002
price: RM120 (8 small bear) + RM 60 (big bear)


Friday, November 6, 2009

Opening soon

Our Online Florist is opening soon!! All friend please support us ya. and help us to promote also^^ thx you. Photo and price will be uploading soon. U can also give us ur idea on what u wish to get from us. thank alot